I’m going on two years since starting and being established in the travel industry.
My passion for travel, which infatuated me from a small child, impacted my decision to become a travel consultant. Being an agent has its ups and downs, but my love for the industry has me going as hard as I do.

My favourite part of being an agent is travelling around the world, making new connections and experiencing different cultures.
My least favourite part of my job would be the busy season, which is the most hectic time, but I always manage with the help of my fellow coworkers and excellent manager.
My biggest piece of advice to travel advisors would be that this world was made to be explored so be sure to explore it! I live by this motto “every day is an adventure.” Also, the connections that you make today last a lifetime.

Travel has increased beyond normalcy after the pandemic. After being trapped inside, people now are looking to get out and travel, which is a good thing in my opinion. People want to see the world and what it has to offer.
People prefer the one-on-one experience compared to booking online. They love the feeling of everything being handled while they are stress free. Some people normally would book on their own but due to the bond that I’ve made with them, they would prefer to book with me only going forward regardless of the fee. AI can never come close or replace a one-on-one experience between an agent and client. That bond and connection can never be replaced by something digitized, and computer operated in my opinion.

The average age of my clients would be 60. I have some younger clientele but not as many as my older clients. The reason being the younger clientele are a bit more computer savvy and tend to book on their own I find.
My favourite travel memory so far was my trip to Italy. It was my first international trip, and I was the first in my family to ever put foot on European soil. It was an experience I will never forget. As a child, dreaming of these places was one thing, but getting to experience it in real time? A feeling words can not describe! Travel means everything to me. Growing up I never aspired to be rich, or famous; I always wanted to explore this world, one destination at a time!
The most expensive booking I’ve ever made was a $13,000 trip for a family of five that went to the Dominican Republic.
Charging fees are mandatory for the revenue of the company and to compensate the agent for their hard work and time that they put into each booking/client.
I would just like to add that the travel industry is one filled with experiences. Travelling is my biggest motivator and I also encourage agents new and experienced to get out there. Life is short and time is not promised to anyone, so be sure to get the most out of it. Like I mentioned before, this world was made to be explored.