Coping during COVID-19
This week Travel Courier checks in with Christine Cameron-Ebel, Certified Travel Consultant with TPI, who misses travelling so much, she’s even started to long for the hassle and noisy crowds at airports.
What has it been like being a travel advisor during this challenging time?
Challenging times is exactly right. I’m sure, like most travel advisors out there, I have worked harder than ever, knowing there will be no immediate compensation. Let’s call it “client maintenance.” I have watched agents that have been in the industry a long time give up. There were (and still are) days when I was ready to pull my hair out, scream out loud or sob my heart out. It’s sad. It’s challenging. It’s devastating. It’s scary. It’s un-motivating.
The statement ‘all work and no play’ has never been more accurate. It seems like a never ending story. I suffer, desperately, from travel withdrawals. I may drink more wine and eat more chocolate then ever, to help me get through the days. But, in the end, I remind myself of the good things that have/will come out of this situation. I will still be a travel advisor and my stellar clients, both past and potential will come back. Eventually. I hope.
How has this impacted your business and income? How are bookings right now?
Last year was my best year, ever, in this business. I was on track, until Friday the 13th of March happened, to have an even better year this year. The cancellations began and just have not stopped. Last week I heard from the only client still booked to travel this year… my final booking for this year, cancelled. Sadly, I have nothing left on the books for the remainder of the year. Business has dried up, for now, and taken my income with it.
I do, however, have a few bookings for 2021, 2022 and even a couple for 2023. All cruises, surprisingly. I have had a few inquiries for next year but so many potential travellers are hesitant to book with so much uncertainty out there. And, in some cases, because they are not ready to quarantine for 14 days after travel. And there are no guarantees that that will change.

“I think I have always been a travel agent. Before computers, as soon as the brochures came out, I was all over them. I took them home and studied them. Maybe a little salivating over some pictures and descriptions. I would talk to people about their travel plans and make observations/suggestions and even recommendations. I had several people tell me I was a better travel agent than their actual travel agent. An opportunity came up and I signed on with TPI in April of 2004.“
Christine Cameron-Ebel
What do you miss most about travelling?
Better question would be what don’t I miss. As someone who is away from home more than at home, this has been an extremely trying time for me. And for my family, as well. I miss everything about traveling, from the research stage right through booking. From planning to landing. I miss discovering a new destination/ship/resort/culture. I miss meeting new people and finding out about their lives. I miss riding the train. I miss having my morning coffee while sitting on the balcony of a cruise ship and watching the sun come up. I miss walking on white powdery sand beaches and being greeted with a friendly smile and perhaps an HOLA!
I have even started to miss the hassles and noisy crowds of the airports. I miss sharing my stories with others. I miss being able to help others with their travel plans. I miss trying to learn a few new words of a foreign language. I miss the excitement of going someplace, any place, other than home. I miss being able to visit family or just drive across the border for lunch. I know…you get the point… there is nothing I don’t miss about travel! What can I say… travel is and always has been my addiction. To travel is to live.
There’s been a lot of talk about the domestic market recovering first. Are you doing anything to grow your business this way?
Wouldn’t it be great if we all started to spend more time discovering our own country. I have been trying to learn more about this wonderful country we call home. There are some surprising options out there, waiting to be discovered. I have been working on experiencing more locally. Although I can make some recommendations and suggestions, I am finding most of my clients are still not ready to consider any travel. I, personally, have travelled all over Canada and am quick to tell others how amazing our country is.

On a NASA fam with Heidi the astronaut
If there’s one positive thing that’s come out of this situation, it’s been that more people have seen the value of using a travel agent firsthand. Do you agree? How can agents spread the word?
I am sure most agents out there would agree. All it takes is that one person who was stuck, some how, in this mess and for them to speak with someone who booked with a travel agent. We all need to let those travellers out there know that we have their backs. We work for each and everyone of them. And, sometimes, we even work for free. I tell my clients that, “It’s my job to look out for you and to take the worry away. My job is to make your travel entirely stress free. In every situation.”
Do you have any strategies to get through the next few months?
Absolutely! I remind myself… we got through SARS, 9/11, Bird Flu. Tsunamis and hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Devastating economies and job losses. Market crashes. Forest fires. Life goes on and this too will end. I try to start each day on a positive note. I continue to take courses on destination I have yet to experience. Cruise lines. Resorts. I attend virtual trade shows and seminars. Lots of Zoom meetings. I still talk travel to any one who will listen. I tell my family I love them. And, I know, I have the best clients who will travel again. As will I!

On a Holland America Line fam.
How long have you been in the industry and what are some of your secrets to success?
I think I have always been a travel agent. Before computers, as soon as the brochures came out, I was all over them. I took them home and studied them. Maybe a little salivating over some pictures and descriptions. I would talk to people about their travel plans and make observations/suggestions and even recommendations. I had several people tell me I was a better travel agent than their actual travel agent. An opportunity came up and I signed on with TPI in April of 2004. My travel agent said he was sorry to lose me as I was the easiest client he had ever had. But, he also was confident that I would do well, because I have such a passion for travel. When I started in the industry, I was frequently ostracized by bricks and mortar agents because I was home-based long before home-based became the way to go. I persevered and here I am, all these years later. Secrets to MY success… I LOVE travel! I love being a travel advisor. I love to travel, to talk travel, to dream about travel. I am thrilled when clients return from their travels and tell me how perfect the trip was. I believe my passion travel and my most amazingly wonderful clients are my secrets.
Do you have anything to add?
Be patient. Be calm. Know that we will all get through this. And, we will all travel again.